Geriatric & palliative nursing care training for school drop-out rural girls


  • Access: School level
  • Organisation: ETM/KDW
  • Country/Region: India (Karnataka)
  • Period: 2014
  • Local partner: Dharmajyothi Charitable Society

With its local partner, ETM initiated a pilot one-year technical training in geriatric & palliative nursing care for rural girls that dropped out of school in the Indian state of Karnataka.

Motivational talks and an awareness-raising programme were led in surrounding villages to identify 25 of the most driven girls to access the training. Hostel facilities were offered to ensure the safety of the girls and provide them with the best environment to study.

For the poorest girls, it was possible to enrol for free and stipends were offered to some very poor families, to avoid that motivated girls should stay home to work and contribute to the family income.

To avoid barriers of age and minimum qualification, ETM’s Indian partner organisation joined the Community College system, allowing all students to work and to study, this way contributing to the implementation of the National Government Plan of Development.

An attractive curriculum was drawn up, combining theory and practical experience sessions inside and outside the school centre. Seminars and workshops were organised for both apprentices and school teachers to motivate them to persist in their training and to better meet the challenges faced by school drop-out students.

Students had to conduct outreach meetings in their respective villages, to inspire their peers and to sensitize their communities about the importance of acquiring skills and developing economic self-sufficiency for women – and by extension for the entire society.

Continuous follow-up and evaluation of the students, orientation sessions and guidance in seeking a job inside India or even abroad – possible thanks to the diploma, recognized by the Indian Government via the Community College system – are promising strategies in the process of participation and transition activities by the graduated girls.